If Ever I Could Make the Case For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Since my arrival at work this morning at 9 a.m., I have been working on edits for Skater. Mr. BIL has had no support from me today because Skater keeps dumping stuff on my desk.

Since 9 a.m. I have made extensive edits to no less than 21 documents and just took up an entire ream of paper that equalled the revised documents combined. My fingers are aching and Mr. BIL, who has been waiting so patiently for me to finish these docs, has three tapes that I now need to get through.

When I delivered Skater’s stuff to his office, I told him that I needed at least two hours dedicated to Mr. BIL so that I could do his tapes. Skater said, “That’s fine – I think this is it for now – I’ll have more on Monday.”