Identity Protection

I saw a story on Today Show recently about getting my name off catalog mailing lists. I have a stack of catalogs in my office waiting to be removed so that our house isn’t inundated with catalogs anymore.

We’re also inundated with credit card offers. It’s really annoying when you come home to look at your mail and find one bill and THREE credit card offers (this happened to me a few weeks ago – two credit card offers were from one company).

A few months after we moved into our house I got my credit report (you can get it for free once a year). My credit report was fine although there were a couple minor errors (but not worth fixing). I’m due to do it again just to make sure everything is in order, and I’m thinking that at some point I’ll go with LifeLock so that I don’t have to worry about it every year. What is LifeLock? It’s a program wherein for $10 a month they will monitor my credit report and notify me if something weird shows up. They also take the time to notify all credit card companies to get me OFF the pre-approved offer list so that those don’t come to my house anymore. Once a year they request and send my three credit reports directly to my house. Lastly, if ever my identity is stolen while part of lifelock, they will spend up to $1,000,000 to restore my credit.

It’s definitely something to think about – especially since if I sign on I won’t HAVE to think about it anymore. LifeLock has been featured on The Today Show, MSNBC and a few local tv shows around the country, so obviously they are getting the word out about their services.