I Wonder Who Has The Easier Day

CootieBoy didn’t like the fact that I was leaving the house without him this morning. He threw a tantrum when I grabbed my purse to leave after I poured a bowl of cereal with milk. Fortunately, I managed to get to work only 2 minutes late.

Denis is taking CB and CootieGirl to some school function at an orchard a few towns away. It was due to start at 9:30 a.m. and I believe Denis only just got there now because he kept getting lost. He would call me to consult a map (his GPS is not working). The first time I looked up his location on the map, he was only 1.5 miles away and basically just had to go north on one road to the orchard. The second time he was 3.1 miles away – he had gone the wrong direction on the one road. The third time he was over 4 miles away and had yet again gone the wrong direction on the one road. Our communication was crossed and I guess I didn’t say “TURN AROUND AND GO BACK” clearly enough each time he called. Since I haven’t received a call in the past 10-15 minutes I can only presume he either made it there or changed his mind and drove them back to school.

For some weird reason I woke up at 5:30 a.m. this morning and couldn’t get back to sleep. Actually, I COULD but kept waking up every 10 minutes until the kids finally crawled into the bed after 7 a.m.

Tonight I go to see the “So You Think You Can Dance” show here in Charlotte. I’m excited, but have NO IDEA how to kill the two hours from the time I get off work until the show. I asked Lori if she wanted to go to dinner and she said she has plans already. Blerg.

One comment on “I Wonder Who Has The Easier Day

  • Denis , Direct link to comment

    Clearly the communication was crossed as usual, because never once did you say turn around or continue on the road you are on and you’ll get there until the last time we spoke. You told me to go either north or south, can’t remember, and the signs didn’t tell either and my car navigator was telling me I was going west. Go figure. At least we got there.

    The day care owner apologized to me and everone else for the lousy directions.

    My next job is to get my GPS to work again.

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