Okay, you’d think this dog was doing tricks or something, but a person that is no longer with The Company just stopped by and brought her mini-pinscher with her. Within about 2 seconds there were easily two dozen people standing around cooing over the dog.
I took a picture with my cellphone, but since I don’t have T-Zones anymore I can’t post it to my moblog yet. I have to wait to get home so that I can Bluetooth it to my husband’s phone, have him email it to me and then load it up by hand at TextAmerica. Insane that I have to go through all that, but I do.
I wonder what they’d do if Denis brought Cooper by – I’d probably end up with the whole frickin’ office hovering around him because he’s a rare breed! And they’d all be suitably impressed with his non-barking since the mini is going NUTS out there (and right outside The Prez’s office to boot).