I Treat My Boss Well On Bosses’ Day

Okay, so you know how in my last post I was lamenting the fake Bosses’ Day holiday and what a load of crap it was? I ended up having a funny thing happen earlier in the day which L-Train said was my revenge for indulging the higher-ups.

Yesterday morning he had a meeting in “Outer Mongolia” (as he calls the outskirts of Charlotte’s Uptown (which is actually downtown – don’t ask)). He called after that meeting and said, “Hey, I’m going to go ahead to my lunch appointment at Nameless Lawfirm.” He confirmed the address with me and then hung up.

Two hours later (just as I was about to go upstairs to tease L-Train and her festive fall foliage decorations) I saw Mr. BIL at the elevator as he came back from his luncheon.

“What are you *doing* to me?” he asked. “I showed up half an hour early to my lunch.”

I laughed, but then he said, “That’s not the bad part. Turns out, I sat in on a pre-lunch meeting that I had no business being a part of.”

I laughed again, but then he said, “Oh it gets worse. About 15 minutes into the meeting I realized that I had no business being there and couldn’t figure out a way to leave gracefully, so I just sat there, perspiring in embarrassment.”

At this point I was in tears. Many thoughts went through my head.

1) Why did the receptionist usher him into the conference room if the luncheon didn’t start until 12:30 p.m. and he got there at 11:58 a.m.?
2) Why didn’t the people in the conference room inform him that he was in the wrong place and let him leave?
3) Why didn’t Mr. BIL just get up and leave his stuff in the room as though he was popping out for a bathroom break, and then wait for the meeting to end before going in when his luncheon began?

As I got on the elevator to go upstairs, still laughing, Mr. BIL looked at me as the elevator doors closed and said, “I feel like I’m on an episode of ‘The Office’.”

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