I Think We’re Done!

So I think CootieGirl is officially potty-trained. Since we returned from the Christmas holidays she has not worn a pull-up at night and since we returned from the Christmas holiday we have had a dry bed each morning. I’m so proud of her. It took a LONG time for her to get potty-trained, but she finally did it. We will now only use pull-ups on long car trips since she tends to drink a lot of juice on the road (she wore a pull-up to the zoo – but only during the car ride; it was removed once we got to the zoo and put back on for the 90-minute car ride home). One major hurdle – not doing #2 in the bathtub during bath time – has been cleared and she now asks to be taken out of the tub to go potty. YAY for CootieGirl!

But she is still getting those staph infections on her butt (we had thought that one reason for getting them was the potty-training accidents). The latest one had to be drained last night and again this morning. I feel so bad for her, but it had to be drained. When I checked it last night it was so red and inflamed and hard to the touch because of all the junk that was in there. Just bad bad bad. Denis is calling the pediatrician today to make an appointment for her to get it drained more fully and get more antibiotics. Hopefully he’s also going to ask if we can just have the antibiotics called in from now on since it seems like this is going to be an ongoing thing. I just don’t understand why she keeps getting them – especially since she NEVER had them until we moved down here to SC, and we’ve tried to be more diligent about her handwashing and cleanliness along with the potty-training.

Update at 3:00 p.m.: For those that are curious and have emailed me, yes it is most likely that CootieGirl has CA-MRSA, which is a particularly tough and hard-to-kill form of staph infection. We’ve known for a while now that she has it, but hope with each round of antibiotics that it’ll be over. So far – that hasn’t happened.

Update at 4:00 p.m.: Okay, so Denis called from the pediatrician and told me that the docs said I did a good job draining because there was no infection left in there when they got to it. WOO HOO!! Props from the docs! And in other news, I was wrong on the timing – her FIRST INCIDENT with this type of boil/absess was in JUNE 2006 – which was a full month before we moved to SC. So I can’t blame SC for this one. I have to blame NoNJ. They then reoccured in August, September, November, December and now January. So her only break was in October. Oh that blissful October.