I Need To Preface This

I need to preface this post by saying I still love my job.

But it’s been a bad day.

Two dictation tapes got messed up today – one because of me (I think), another just “because”. Fortunately Mr. BIL didn’t get upset about either of them and we moved on, but when that second tape turned out to be bad I started shaking and sweating over having to go to Mr. BIL for the fourth time in four weeks to tell him a tape went bad. Our facilities guy was called and he believes that Mr. BIL’s dictation microphone went belly-up and it has been replaced. So hopefully that’ll get rid of that problem.

In other news, I tried to send a fax today and TWICE put it in the machine upside down so that all the client received was 17 blank pages each time. I called her to apologize (she was okay with it), since her fax machine is hooked up to her home number and requires she actually BE THERE to receive the fax. Fortunately the third time was the charm and I put the document in the machine properly and sent it off.

In other news, with only 1 hr and 10 min left in my workday, I have to get seven bills out AND start preparing three estate binders. Plus type up the two tapes that Mr. BIL recorded before he left for a 5:00 p.m. meeting off-site.

And let me end this post by stating that while I posted a lot of entries today, I actually typed up three of them last night. So it’s not like I’ve been surfing the net all day today or anything.

One comment on “I Need To Preface This

  • Denis , Direct link to comment

    The fax machine we had in my old office warned you when you were about to fax a blank page. It must have scanned it before you faxed it. You might want to get your company to invest in that. Hope the new dictation machine helps.

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