Okay, so last night I forgot to post this, so I thought I would post it this morning. You know that show The Amazing Race 2? I’m a huge fan, but I’m not a fan of Wil, who is partnered with his wife, Tara. Tara, who is smartly separated from Wil, seems pretty decent. But I just don’t like Wil. On the other hand, I love Gary and Dave, the NY “Itchy and Scratchy” team. One of them reminds me of a co-worker (you know which one). Anyway, they make me laugh.
I was really hoping that Wil and Tara would go down last night. I was totally pulling for Mary and Peach to suck it up and get there before them. But alas, it didn’t happen.
My pal Ace and I want to do that show. We filled out the applications and everything. But they require a videotape of the two of us together as well, and since we live in different cities it would be hard to do. So we’re probably going to wait and do TAR4, if they have it.
A show I would never do is Survivor. You gotta be kidding me with that stuff, right? I mean, I’m all for dieting, but that’s not the way I wanna do it. I’ll stick with Weight Watchers which has enabled me to lose 24 pounds in the past four months. I’m hoping to lose more before Denis and I go to New Orleans this summer. Cuz you know, it gets kinda warm in New Orleans in the summer. And fat chicks hate the heat.
I don’t care how skinny you or anyone else is, N’awlins at the end of July is no one’s idea of a good time. All I remember is you vowed you wouldn’t complain about the heat while we were there and I expect you to honor your commitment. I few Dixie’s should make it easier to take. Oh, I forget. You don’t drink beer. Lori and John should make it go down easy. The Big Easy, that is.
You MUST find a way to do that video with Ace. There may not be a TAR4 and you will always regret that you didn’t make the effort. Come on!
You’re such the perfect couple for that show…
I agree with Jen. You are just wimping out. There will be another excuse the next time they do the show too. And I doubt they will. Better go for this. You would be good on the show, and I’d get you out of my hair for a month.
I think you just need to go and meet Ace half way on some turnpike or interstate and film your two minute docu-drama there. You are so into the race you’ve started it already, both of you.
It’s not that I’m wimping out, it’s that we should have done it this past weekend when Ace was in town.
Wimp. Just do it. Excuses, excuses. Jaynee is all talk. A planner, not a do-er. Blah, blah, blah…
Jaynee, I am so with you on Wil. The guy is pond scum. I let Bridget and Katie stay up late and watch with me and we all BOO him and Tara. I hope Chris or Alex (which one is it?) steals Tara and Wil has to crawl home alone with his tail between his legs.
It’s on tonight, so I’m hoping to see the dog suffer
jaynee can’t complain…but i can…