I Feel Like I’ve Been Here Forever Today

The thing that sucks most about getting here at 8:15 a.m. is that come noontime I feel like I’ve been here FOREVER. And chances are I’ll leave at my normal time tonight since Mr. BIL doesn’t have any afternoon meetings planned (which means he can stay in his office and go dictating-crazy trying to get projects out).

Yesterday I implemented a new daily task list – not only to hold myself accountable, but him as well. Late in the day I showed it to him and told him from now on there was NO EXCUSE not to get things done in a more timely manner. He made a pithy comment about not being accountable to ANYONE given his tenure, and I gave him my “schoolteacher” look. My mission is to get at least ONE past due item off the list each day, in addition to our normal daily work, until we catch up.

He just left for a luncheon, and as soon as I make some edits to a couple charts I’m going to head out myself for some food and reading time.