I Don’t Like Self-Imposed Hard Deadlines

So yesterday? All that panic to get those documents in by 5 p.m.? Yeah, not so much a real deadline after all. Apparently it was a deadline Mr. BIL put on HIMSELF. The business court? Didn’t care if it was submitted at 5 p.m. or 6:30 p.m. The other attorneys? Didn’t care if it was submitted yesterday or next week. The whole “Monday by 5 p.m. and NO LATER OR THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY!” deadline that put me in such a panic yesterday? All in Mr. BIL’s mind. *sigh*

I was talking with the other attorney in the office that is working this case with Mr. BIL and even *he* wondered why Mr. BIL thought it was so important to get it in yesterday.

The good news? No specifically deadlines today. Just various letters, memos, and packages going out. But if they don’t go out until tomorrow? No biggie. I like days like that.