I Can’t Wait…

Is it 6 p.m. yet? Seriously – it’s not? This day has been interminable. I can’t take much more. Thank heavens tonight is a firmwide meeting for all attorneys so that I can’t be kept late. I’ve been on the go since I got here today. No time for surfing, posting, emailing, breathing other than my quick bit about the Office dvds that I got yesterday.

And I don’t think the A/C was running in the office today – it’s quite warm, and it can’t just be because I’ve been running around like a chicken with my head cut off.

I tried to play a prank on Lori and one of the younger attorneys here in the office, and they didn’t fall for it, and I’ve now been put on their permanent shun list. *lol* I haven’t given up though. I’ll get ’em somehow. And not just with crappy candy.