Yesterday morning we moved the cats’ stuff from the master bath into the laundry room. They were not happy and hid upstairs most of the day yesterday. However, by last night they were very hungry and in need of their litter, so all of them came down. Stinky was the most calm about the new situation of going through a little cat door and came in and out at her leisure. I caught Ginger and put her in the laundry room and closed the door, and after a few minutes I heard the plaintive mews through the cat door. I peeked in and she was SHIVERING from fear at being “stuck” in the room. So I took off the flap on the cat door and after a few minutes of her refusing to come through the door, I went into the laundry room and guided her through the cat door. I then caught her again and did it again. At that point she ran away from me so I followed her upstairs and got Fred up from his nap. I took him downstairs and put him in the laundry room. He ate some food, sniffed at the litter, and stuck his head out the cat door to look at me, sitting on the family room floor watching him. His look was the equivalent of “You expect me to fit through THIS?” He eventually squeezed his way through the cat door – barely getting himself through since he’s a big tub of goo. While Freddie was contemplating his adventure, Mini came down and sniffed around the cat door. So I picked her up and helped her go through. She ate lots of food, drank lots of water, used the litter, and then wandered around the laundry room a bit before eventually coming out.
For the rest of the evening, Ginger, Fred and Mini kept going in and out of the laundry room, while Cooper the Dog sat watching from the nearby sofa, DESPERATE to know what was going on in there.
Freddie the Fat Tub-o-Goo. I love your cats, except Stinky, of course.
Classic story, classic Fred. Thanks for the laugh.