I hardly ever get tagged by anyone other than my sister for memes, but this time Ali M. got me!
I AM: exhausted and sick
I WANT: a 60GB iPod. Is that too much to ask? By this time they probably make an 80GB iPod, right? I’m THAT late in getting an iPod.
I WISH: that my family would never have financial worries ever again in our lives.
I HATE: extremely humid summertime heat
I MISS: dancing
I HEAR: the sound of my typing, Mr. Sutherland on a conference call in his office.
I WONDER: if my children will grow up to be wayward teens or responsible ones.
I REGRET: *no comment – my parents read this site*
I AM NOT: as outgoing as I used to be
I DANCE: pretty well. I wasn’t a raver for 6 years for nothing, you know.
I CRY: when I see men cry.
I AM NOT ALWAYS: helpful. For the most part I’m pretty darn lazy.
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: Nothing. Does typing up documents count and making something with my hands?
I WRITE: lists. I love to make lists.
I CONFUSE: my bosses when I ask them ridiculous questions.
I NEED: a good month away from responsibility of any kind.
I SHOULD: lose that baby weight I’ve been carrying for almost two years now
I START: lots of projects
I FINISH: maybe half of them
I TAG: anyone that wants to participate! Go for it!
I just came from Ali’s… I have a son named CootieBoy, too. (it’s not such a common name!) In fact, it gets even more strange. My husband’s name was Oliver, so if CootieBoy were a girl he would have been called CootieGirl. And my best friend? Her name is Jayne.
Weird, yo.
Wow, Toryssa, that’s kind of freaky! I’m glad to see another CootieBoy out there in the world – we picked it specifically because it was NOT a popular name. When we had CootieGirl we had NO IDEA that it was in the Top 10 list of girl’s names. :confused: It sucks because when we go to the park there are always a few parents hollering, “CootieGirl! CootieGirl!” :irked: So with CootieBoy we learned our lesson – we never hear other parents calling out for CootieBoys. :up: