This morning started out great. Got up on time. CootieGirl woke up in a good mood. CootieBoy even woke up in a playful mood. Kids got dressed. I had a few spare minutes to load this week’s church music onto my MP3 player.
And then CootieBoy saw his sippy cup was filled with plain milk. He asked for chocolate. I tried to get him to try the “vanilla” soy milk (which CootieGirl was upset she didn’t have *lol*). Not happening. So I took him in the kitchen and put a light dusting of Quik into his sippy cup. Let him see it. Hoped the dusting would imply a normal amount of Quik.
He’s not dumb. “Mooooooorrrrrre!” he cried, pointing to the yellow box of chocolatey goodness. I sprinkled in a little more. “See?” I said, showing it to him again. “No – moooooooorrrrrrrrreeeeeeeee!” Then the screaming began, and intensified as I picked him up and carried hm out of the kitchen.
He screamed bloody murder as I took him outside to the van, where Denis already had CootieGirl loaded up. Denis spent the next 5-6 minutes attempting to get CootieBoy into his car seat with little result. Once I had locked up the house I came out and also tried and spent another 5-6 minutes trying to force that kid to unstiffen his body so that I could get him into the seat. I finally got him in there, and as Denis pulled away from the driveway – no lie – I could still hear CootieBoy screaming.
And I know that if I had just put in a normal amount of Quik in the sippy cup that it never would have happened. So I have only myself to blame for this one.
No way. You had nothing to do with this. Anything else could have set him off. I forget what it was yesterday. He just doesn’t like leaving the television when he’s watching his shows.
You have to “win” or he’s going to learn that by throwing a tantrum he gets whatever he wants. Let him scream–it’ll strengthen his lungs.
If you aren’t convicted that you need to apologize to the kid, it is not your fault! Moms and dads are quick to take the guilt route and most times it is simply nothing they did or didn’t do, it is the child’s inappropriate response. Stand firm and drop the guilt.
Dad – I sort of won because I refused to put more Quik in there after his second protest. *lol* and I’d say that most of the time I “win” when he has tantrums.
Well, as House said to the mother of a screaming child as they were boarding a plane, “Give her 20 mg. of antihistamine. If you don’t, she will die because I will kill her.” Or something like that.
Have to agree that you couldn’t let CootieBoy “win.” You are good parents. gail