Home Stretch, But…

Okay, so here’s my work update (getting boring around here, isn’t it?):

1. Finished Mr. Sutherland’s Xmas list, but
2. Mr. Russell decided he wants to send out cards too, even though he specifically told me when I interviewed that he NEVER sends out holiday cards.

3. Finished Mr. Sutherland’s contact database, but
4. Can’t import it into SalesLogix because a backup needs to be created of the current database and I can’t do that.

5. Finished Mr. Russell’s expenses, but
6. He keeps nickle and diming it to death.

7. Tweaked the illustration calculations and finally got the charts right, but
8. Mr. Russell wants each chart saved in it’s own file – so the client will now get twelve files instead of eight.

9. Wanted to include the conference booth registration fee on these expenses, but
10. The conference people are ignoring my repeated requests for a receipt of payment.

When will this day end?