High School Musical

Yes, we got tickets. No, we didn’t get tickets to the national tour – those things are about $200 a seat!! I love my kids, but not THAT much. *lol*

Actually, one of our local high schools is doing the musical (did you know it has been made into dozens of stage productions around the country?). So today I bought tickets for our family. The kids have no idea but they should have a lot of fun, AND we’re supporting a local high school drama dept. to boot.

I mentioned the production to one of our small group couples, and so they are going with us. Also, Keshia, one of the moms who rode with me to the nightclub on Friday was also interested, so I bought tix for her family as well. So it should be a REALLY fun night – not just for the kids, but for us adults as well.

I’m looking forward to it! And not just for the spectacle of seeing Denis sing along with “Bet On It!”