Hawaiian Beaches

All this talk about Disney has me thinking about all the past vacations that Denis and I have taken together. In the ten years of our marriage we’ve taken a lot of great trips – New Orleans (twice), Amsterdam/Belgium, Mexico, Hawaii, Nashville/Memphis, Savannah, Scotland. We also spent our first anniversary in The Hamptons and in 2005 we came to NC for a week to determine where we wanted to live. This year we’re doing Disney (our first “family” vacation) and next year we’re going to Quebec (just Denis and me). So we’ve had a nice variety of trips during the course of our marriage.

One of my favorite vacations was going to Hawaii. Bear in mind, I’m not a beach person AT ALL. I HATE beaches (it’s that bathing suit self-loathing thing). However, our friends LP and JHP were living in Hawaii and offered to show us around AND let us crash with them for a few days to help save money. It was an offer we couldn’t refuse!!

That trip stands out as my favorite vacation EVER. Scotland is a close second. I adored Hawaii. Despite not enjoying beaches in general, I loved every single thing we did in Hawaii, whether it was sightseeing with LP and JHP, or spending our last night in Honolulu alone in a swank hotel that sat directly on the beach. We had fun watching pro wrestling with JHP and playing drinking games at night (“I tell you what…”). It was just the absolute perfect vacation. The great thing is knowing that even if LP and JHP didn’t live there we would have been able to find some great sightseeing tours to see all the great sites they took us to.

And yes, I did get over my bathing suit self-loathing and went into the water on Waikiki Beach. I had to! I was in Hawaii!! My only regret is that I didn’t go snorkeling or waterskiing. But I guess I’ll have to do that next time.

By the way, Trusted Tours & Attractions is offering a change to win a handheld GPS by signing up for their newsletter . If you are planning your own vacation – having a GPS comes in handy (we used ours a LOT in Nashville and it was a lifesaver).