Hangman Is Gettin’ Vicious

Our hangman games here at the firm are getting vicious. We just had a near-tie. Younger attorney came to me with the answer, whereas Young Attorney emailed it to me. It’s a tossup as to who was first, but in the end we gave it to Younger Attorney since he had already marked his win on the tally when Young Attorney emailed me.

Here’s the tally since we started keeping score:
Young Attorney: 1
L-Train: 2
Younger Attorney: 5

Apparently he plays this game a lot, or he’s a shut-in when at home and watches reruns of “Wheel of Fortune” all weekend long.

I just put a new round up and this may be the last one. I’m hoping that I can find another good kids game that is good for multiple players.

But I’ll say this – it has been a HUGE success – they are now keeping tabs on the game at their desks, filling in the letters as they are guessed on personal notepads so they don’t have to keep going into Young Attorney’s office to see the latest. VERY funny.

03 comments on “Hangman Is Gettin’ Vicious

  • NJSue , Direct link to comment

    Since lawyers should think outside the box, how about a pictogram the revels a phrase or a phrase that has a number reference like
    “5 D in a Z C” (5 Digits in a Zip Code”. I use these as warm ups in my classroom all the time.

  • NJSue , Direct link to comment

    Oops– That should read “reveals”- and have an end paragraph after “Code”. Guess who forgot to proofread!

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    That’s an AWESOME idea! And I’m sure there are tons of those online for me to find.


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