I’m sick of my hair. It’s too long and I’m sick of it. So I’ve made a hair appointment to get at least 4-5 inches cut off, and possibly a few long – repeat LONG – layers cut into it. I still don’t want the hassle of doing a lot to it in the mornings, but I think if I cut off 4-5 inches and have the remaining have some layers that it’ll add some movement to my otherwise stagnant hair.
The appointment is set for October 7 (Saturday) at 11:30 a.m. But here’s the kicker: CootieGirl is going with me, and is going to get her first haircut. Her hair is just too straggly at the ends and so I’m going to have them even it up a bit in the back (don’t worry Marmie and Jen – only 1-2 inches will come off in back at it’s longest point) and fix her bangs (since the only haircuts she has gotten have been me hacking away at her bangs every few months). Video will be taken because it could go either way – she could be happy to be doing an adult thing with her mom, or she could freak when she sees the chair, the scissors, the people in various stages of hairsaloning.
Should be fun either way. Glad you’re taking video. Are you shooting it or do you need me and CootieBoy to tag along?
It doesn’t sound like it’s a huge salon with lots of space, so I’ll have CootieGirl watch me get my hair cut, and then she’ll be more likely to be willing to have hers done.
Should be fun! Can’t wait to see the video, and the haircuts.
You could cut all of CG’s hair off and she’d still be adorable. But I am glad you’re keeping it long for the princess. She’s have to learn how to walk again since the swing of her hair plays such a large role in her walk these days.