Tonight I hit up Harris Teeter for some shopping. It was another stockpile night since we really only had a couple things on the list. I also had some coupons that were expiring this week, so I opted to use them even if the deal that I got wasn’t the best. I still ended up doing pretty well!!
When I got home, though, I looked at my receipt and realized that I didn’t get the BOGO price on the dog food that I was expecting. Since the bags were $13.49 EACH, I was a bit upset. I made sure that I paid attention to signage and picked up the LAST TWO BAGS on the shelf of the Purina 17.6 lb. bags.
So I called the store and talked to someone in Customer Service. She put me on hold to go check the shelves, and when she came back she told me that the Purina Fit & Trim were NOT part of the sale. I explained that the bags were on the shelf that said BOGO and that I specifically looked to make sure that I bought the right size bags. In my most polite voice, I said, “I’m not saying you guys put them on that shelf, it’s most likely that a customer put them on the shelf, but they certainly LOOKED like they were the last two bags available as the BOGO since they were neatly stacked right over a BOGO sign.” She put me on hold again and a few minutes later said, “I spoke with my manager. He wants to make sure you have a good Harris Teeter experience, so he is going to honor the BOGO discount for your purchase. When you come back to the store with your receipt, just tell the checkout person that ***** (the manager’s name) said that you were due a refund of $13.49 and they’ll put it through for you.”
That’s AWESOME. I thanked her profusely and told her I’d be in tomorrow night.
In other news, I have been reading lately about Red Box, the movie rentals that are available in some grocery stores. I see people renting movies from there all the time, and never thought about trying it. Well, today I got ahold of a code that was expiring today, and figured I’d give it a shot. What do you know – I got a free movie rental! I chose “Across the Universe” which I knew Denis really wanted to see. Of course, he’s at the gym right now, so it’ll be a late night once we settle down to watch it (if I don’t return it tomorrow night I get charged $1 – still a bargain if we keep it a second night). I’ve read that RedBox has free rental codes ALL THE TIME, and while I’m not willing to cancel my Netflix anytime soon (I’m fine with it remaining on hold through April), I am intrigued enough with RedBox that if I get other free rental codes, I’ll most definitely use them.
So, my final tally for tonight, once I get my $13.49 refunded tomorrow:
Total Items: 34
Total Original Price: $114.60
Total Paid: $47.37
Total Saved: $67.23
Total Percentage Saved: 58%
Is that what that is? We have one in our own grocery store. Never really paid it much attention. So, where do you get these free codes? I like free… I would be willing to try it out. Do tell.
Ace, you can get a code for signing up for their mailing list – apparently they randomly send out free codes to their mailing list.
on it, Thanks!
wow.. they have tons of movies. Its good for the Grocery store too, cause I am sure I will buy something when I go to pick up my movie!
They have these RedBox movie kiosk thingies in the McDonald’s restaurants, here. There is one conveniently near our condo, so my husband likes to go there for dollar movies.