It’s been a while since I did a post about nothing. So here’s a post with a little bit of everything!
Our podcast has done well since it’s initial release 3 weeks ago. We have subscribers and listeners, and I’ve received some good feedback and helpful constructive criticism. CootieGirl and a friend of hers have listened to every episode and given me their thoughts. CG wants to appear on an upcoming up episode, which will be fun, and I’m recording an episode with my sister in December, too. People seem to like the podcast thus far, which makes me happy. Even better – Lori and I are having a lot of fun recording it. I’ve been hustling and getting the word out about the podcast as much as possible on social media – with more plans coming up in the future. I’ve already snagged another podcaster to be a guest on a Christmas-specific episode to air in December. We’ll be recording it with him in November.
Speaking of Christmas, Denis and I have been comparing recipes over the past few weeks and we think we have our White Elephant party menu finalized. We are going to test a recipe next week at my book club, and if it goes well it’ll be added to the list and we’ll officially have our menu set. We have a bunch of new stuff – to the point where we may need to think about doing another cookbook like we did in 2014. Since that year we’ve tried to have an almost brand-new menu for the party each year. This year is our 21st year hosting the event, so perhaps at the 25th we’ll do another cookbook.

This week CootieBoy began studying to take his driver’s written test to get his learner’s permit. I wanted him to do it back in August but he balked at the idea. I don’t know why he has no desire to drive, but I told him the time is now since he’ll need to get a job next summer and may need to be able to drive to get to said job. On his first practice test he scored a 73 (80 is passing), so I told him to take the practice test a couple times every day for the next 2-3 weeks and once he is regularly scoring above 85 points I’ll take him to get his permit. Then my year of grabbing the “oh crap” handle every few minutes while shouting “DITCH!” begins… (CG was notorious for driving way too close to the right side of the road and almost putting us into ditches, to the point where I would just compulsively holler “Ditch!” when out driving with her).
In November I am traveling to New Jersey for a convention all about Christmas. I am VERY. EXCITED.
In Hallmark movie news, I have managed to re-watch 26 of the 38 Hallmark movies that came out last Christmas. Eight of the movies have not re-aired at all this year, and I may have missed the other two at the beginning of the year when they were still re-airing some of the movies. As such, I’m now working on a post that re-ranks all of 2018’s Christmas movies since there was quite a bit of shuffling upon rewatch. I’ll just have to guess where those other movies might land based on the ones I have been able to re-watch this year. Another Hallmark tidbit is that I recently re-watched “Love to the Rescue” and I think I need to up its score, because it is just a delightful movie. It just might be my favorite of 2019 (it currently sits at 2nd place for the year but I may move it up to top spot once I’m able to re-watch “Winter Love Story.”
That’s about it, really. CG is still working although her hours have plummeted as the school semester has continued. She works every weekend now, and ends up being very tired every Sunday night as a result. But she has confirmed she wants to get a job at the same place next summer, so she must like it.
And that’s it for today. Can you believe it’s October already?