Got My Tix for Avengers Endgame – Did You?

Like all good movie fans, I have purchased tix for the kids and me to go see “Avengers Endgame” at the end of April. I was NOT one of the folks that sat for hours yesterday trying to get in to buy tickets. I waited until all the crazy people got their tickets first. Then this morning before I left for work I confirmed with both kids that they wanted to go see it. We’ll be going to a Sunday night showing since all the Friday and Saturday shows were mostly sold out or only had front row seats available.

At work a couple hours later, two of the young guys I work with pulled me into an office and announced that we three and another co-worker “must” go see it on the Friday afternoon when it comes out.

“I already bought tickets to see it with my kids on Sunday.”

“Nope,” DW said, “We’re all going to see it on Friday afternoon. We’re leaving work to go see a noon show. JR is going to buy our tickets.”

“My kids will not be happy if I see it before they do,” I responded.

After brief discussion, including his statement that this was THE movie event of his lifetime thus far (I told you he was young (let’s put it this way – he doesn’t watch movies that came out before he was born, which means he’s never seen “The Terminator,” the original “Ghostbusters” or “This is Spinal Tap”)), he convinced me to go. So I guess I’ll be seeing Endgame twice that weekend. *lol*

Fortunately, one of my bosses is likely going to be out of the office on that Friday so from a workload perspective I should be fine to go – especially since JR is *also* my boss and the one buying the tickets for us!