Google Adwords – Make It Work

I’ve been using Google Adwords on my crafting website to try and get some business coming in. As you may or may not know, Google Adwords is an ad system wherein if you do a Google search on certain terms, search appropriate ads will appear on the search results page in addition to the actual search results. For me, it has been over 30 days since I signed up, and out of 95,000 appearances, I’ve received 95 click-throughs to my site. Those 95 click-throughs cost me $25. Not a single one converted into an actual sale. Hmmm…I’m not doing something right.

Perhaps the way to improve my click-throughs AND get some actual business would be to visit and memorize the Ultimate Guide to Google Adwords. Steve Baker, a full-time PPC author, has written a free guide to using Google Adwords. The website is great – featuring a guide, a blog, fully interactive comments and an additional ebook for a minimal cost. What a great resource for someone like me who would like to see an increase of click-throughs AND have those click-throughs convert into sales.

04 comments on “Google Adwords – Make It Work

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    I’m getting ready to dump AdWords. Not working for me.

    I think you have to be willing to spend more money to get your ads shown enough to may it pay off.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Yeah, I tend to agree. But I’m still going to go through that entire website and see what kind of additional tips may be there. I’m willing to do it another month to see if I can convert it into a sale or two.

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    So maybe this shows that I shouldn’t do it either… what are some alternatives?

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Mom – your product is much more customer-friendly so I think if you were to spend the right amount of money, AdWords could be helpful for you. the people who do searches for TEA are usually looking for tea to PURCHASE. The bulk of my Adwords searches are for “craft market”, which does necessarily mean people wanting folk art and fleece blankets. I think Adwords WOULD be effective for you. And you’d be able to afford to spend a bit more than Jen or I can afford in Adwords. That helps too.

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