Good Trip Home

The drive home today went well. We left around 9:30 a.m. and pulled into the driveway right around 3:30 p.m. Like a well-oiled machine this time around!

CootieGirl was awake for the first hour and then konked out for a nice two-hour nap. That meant I could rock out to my music the whole time without hearing requests for Lazy Town or the Princesses. When she woke up I waited about 30 minutes and then put on “Sleeping Beauty” for her to watch. And when that ended I put on “Over the Hedge” which didn’t get a chance to finish since we arrived home mid-way.

I only saw one cop on the way home, and he easily could have pulled me over (after all, all the cars in my vicinity were going around 80 mph in a 65 mph zone), but he opted to pull over the car in front of me who was probably going about 90 mph when he passed the speed trap. It made me glad that I was using my cruise control set on 79 mph instead of “following” the guy that eventually got pulled over.

CootieGirl was very glad to be home – the minute we got off the exit she started cheering, “We’re home! We’re home!” – this coming from the girl who didn’t want to leave Marmie’s house this morning.

We played with the newly set-up sandbox that CootieBoy got for Christmas, and then I put CootieBoy down for a much-needed nap.

They are now happily playing hide-and-seek with each other upstairs. They are happy to be reunited, even as they drive each other nuts.

All in all – a good trip, and only Denis was left as the insane one [misquote deleted].

06 comments on “Good Trip Home

  • Denis , Direct link to comment

    I believe the quote was, “You got the best of the bargain. I would gladly have taken CootieGirl in a car for 12 hours over CootieBoy and kiddie shows for two and a half days.”

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Marmie – yes, that was what we were thinking.

    Denis – I knew my quote wasn’t exact, but covered the basic gist of what you said.

  • Denis , Direct link to comment

    Your version of the quote makes me seem like I hate my child, and it’s not true that I would never want to be alone with CootieBoy for that length of time again. I know, lighten up, Denis. Go ahead, say it.

    I just think you had it better than I did this weekend. At least you got to go see a movie. I know, I can go see a movie any time I want during the day. Say it. Do I have you pegged, or what?

    I’m glad CootieBoy and I got to bond this weekend. He only asked twice where CootieGirl and Mama were.

    And Marmie, yes, I’ll take you up on that offer and help you out with that website whenever you are ready.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Why should I say anything when you’ve already said it? And I don’t think my quote makes you sound like you hate your child. It’s what ANY parent who was left alone with a 2 1/2 year old for 48 hours with no adult company whatsoever would say.

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