Just wanted to pass along the good news:
“WASHINGTON – More and more people, particularly Republicans, disapprove of
President Bush’s performance, question his character and no longer consider him a strong leader against terrorism, according to an AP-Ipsos poll documenting one of the bleakest points of his presidency.”
That’s all.
*lol* I guess you are all back to normal? :tongue:
Well there’s nothing they can do about it now! Also, I think polls are for the birds. I don’t feel as though they actually capture all the opinions. There are people that take polls and there are people who don’t.
Well, it captures my opinion. And yes, I am feeling better. And, Ace, it’s not too late, we can always impeach him. There are a few Constitutional Amendments he’s played fast and loose with. Maybe he’ll lay low for the remainder of his term and he’ll go quitely. I know, that’s just wishful thinking.
Denis, Denis, Denis. :banghead:
Denis, Denis, Denis :cheer:
Denis. Denis. Denis. :13:
Okay… I don’t even know Denis and those last three comments nearly made me pee my pants!
You guys should check out my friend Tim’s blog -> http://pressingtheflesh.blogspot.com/
I think you’d appreciate it.
Well, now, Denis, I know you LOVE those poll results. Problem is, the man has had a tremendous amount of garbage to deal with, most of which was completely out of his control, and I don’t think ANY politician on the scene today could have done a GOOD job. Do I think he’s been a great president? No, but how about taking into account what the domestic and world situation has been and display a little compassion and charity?