Goin’ Back to The City

In October I will be making a trek back to New York and New Jersey for a long weekend.

To see XANADU on Broadway with Ace and Anthony.

I’m so excited!!! I bought the tickets a couple weeks ago before the reviews came out. I bought them pre-review because I was afraid that if it got good reviews that I wouldn’t be able to get good seats. And better to get good seats to a crappy show that closes and get a refund than to buy crappy seats for a play that rocks and not be able to see anything.

The cool thing? It got decent reviews, AND I have fourth row center seats! YAY!!

Today I booked my car ($32 a day) and my flight ($148 including all taxes and fees). I leave work on a Thursday night and go straight to the airport to catch my flight to Newark, and fly back super-early on the following Monday morning.

No kids. No husband. No responsibilities. No guilt. It’s a JANE weekend and I’m very excited about it!!!

05 comments on “Goin’ Back to The City

  • Jean , Direct link to comment

    If you find the time to meet up for a meal, would love to see your face!

  • Ace , Direct link to comment

    Bring gloves, and old clothes as we will need you to pack boxes and our belongings as I am sure that we will be moving around that time if our house sells. *grin*

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Jami – it sure is!! Well, two of them are. The one of the girl with ducks behind her is the one I WANTED To get and forgot to bid just before the auction ended at eBay.

  • Denis , Direct link to comment

    At that price, I have to plan a Denis weekend at some point. But I’ll wait until after Ace and Anthony move. I hear they have a new Realtor friend.

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