Goals for 2005

I’ve decided to make a list of things I want to accomplish in 2005. I always hesitate to make goals because I’m notorious for STARTING projects and never FINISHING them. But, my list of things I want to do is growing, so I thought I’d write it down (in no particular order):

1) Lose 50 pounds
2) Put up ceiling tiles in dining room
3) Paint sunroom
4) Clean up attic and make it a legit fourth bedroom
5) Hang new dining room chandelier
6) Install exterior light on the side of our house
7) Remove glass doors from our bathtub
8) Install new closet doors in the master bedroom
9) Resod the front yard
10) Clean up and organize the garage
11) Get pregnant
12) Go on vacation
13) Go dancing at a club at least a couple times, for old times’ sake
14) Have professional pics taken of my children
15) Go through 12 boxes in the basement and get rid of at least 6 boxes worth of junk
16) Participate in Lent and go without chocolate for 40 days
17) Read at least two books a month, if not more
18) Pay off my credit card debt
19) Get the master bedroom closet organized with shelving and drawers
20) Repaint the kids’ room and hang their pictures up again

07 comments on “Goals for 2005

  • Denis , Direct link to comment

    You can do number 15 as long as you aren’t talking about my boxes. I have no junk, and whatever junk I do have, I like and I want to keep. Go throw out your own junk. We aren’t using the basement for anything but holding junk anyway, so why get rid of it? Besides, if you start throwing out my junk, I’ll have to demand you start selling off some of your Fiesta collection. Now you don’t want to do that, right?

  • pete , Direct link to comment

    wow that’s quite a list. if you hope to get most of those tasks done, you better do as many of them as you can before #11. 🙂

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    Yay for 11!

    No chocolate for Lent was one of the hardest things I’ve done, but well worth it.

  • Lila , Direct link to comment

    I remember way back when you were pregnant with O, that you said that you were so not into this pregnancy and that it would be your last. Of course, we all knew better :-). Hope you do all 20 things on your list!

  • Mare-Bear , Direct link to comment

    Well hold on a wee second and do #11 when yours truly has waltzed down the aisle ….. I’ll soon be there, hard as it is to believe!

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Mary – I don’t want to wait that long to try and get pregnant again. But we’ll see what happens…

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    Wait, Mare-Bear, did I miss a big announcement? Please tell all!

    As for #11, my thoughts are:
    1. Give your body a chance to return to normal~ you’ve had two major surgeries in two years.
    2. Don’t have a baby around Christmas time, please! Kids would rather not share their birthday with baby Jesus. (actually anytime between Thanksgiving and Christmas has a major impact on families) Spring babies are nice.
    Just my two cents. 😉

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