I’m up to the end of the Hs in my contact database input. No call reports done yet. I am awaiting one fax and can then send off my 401(k) rollover forms. Busy morning!
I keep forgetting to bring in lunch – tomorrow I’ll just bring in 3-4 frozen lunches so that I’m covered for a few days. Yesterday I got a make-your-own salad from downstairs and when I got it upstairs I found a hair in it. A hair that obviously wasn’t mine. NOT happy about that waste of $5.25.
This morning I arrived at work at 8:15 a.m. so I plan on leaving by 4:45 p.m. today. Tomorrow I hope to arrive by 8 a.m. so I can leave at 4:30 p.m. It was rough getting out of the house because CootieBoy woke up in the middle of the night, in turn waking up CootieGirl, who thought it was morning. She was chipper and playing while Denis and I were practically comatose. Denis fed CootieBoy a small bottle, changed his diaper and put him back down. At some point after giving CootieGirl some milk I put her back in her bed as well. Total time awake: just over 20 minutes, but it made getting up this morning REALLY difficult.