Furniture Functions

At some point last night Denis and I were both sitting on the same sofa watching television. This almost never happens. Cooper The Dog decided he wanted in, and firmly positioned himself between us. Picture a four person sofa – instead of the three of us spreading out, we were all on one side of the sofa. Eventually Cooper jumped down to lay on the floor, which caused me to shift my position, which in turn caused Denis to get up entirely and go settle into the recliner that he usually favors.

One comment he made was that propping up his feet on the coffee table just isn’t that comfortable, so the recliner is the obvious best choice. It made me wonder whether we should consider looking into ottomans as a possible alternative for the folks sitting on the OTHER sofa (which has no table in front of it). I know when I sit on that sofa I sometimes wish I could prop my feet up.

In other news, did you know we keep all our alcohol in the garage? Yep. I’m sure the hot summer temps do WONDERS on a fine bottle of wine, huh? I don’t know where we’d keep it (especially since it would need to be child-proof), but I’d like to invest in a wine rack of some sort so we can bring that stuff back into the house for storage. The liquor is fine in the garage, but the wine really SHOULD be in the house, don’t you agree?

One comment on “Furniture Functions

  • Ace , Direct link to comment

    You could always invest in one of those fancy wine cabinets. Not that you drink a ton of wine, but its always best to keep it in a place where the temp. will not change too much and a cool dry place. We are keeping our in the basement in a little room that looks as though it was made for the wine. Good times. I have friends who love their wine and they keep theirs under the stairs to the basement.

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