Freelancing – Wee!

Well, guess what I’ll be doing this weekend?

Yep, typing 600 1100 contacts into a database!!!

My friend that emailed me earlier today didn’t balk at my price quote for the job, and he will be emailing things to me today as well as couriering some documents to me tomorrow morning. I’m VERY excited. With any luck he’ll agree to let me use him as a reference on my profile so that folks will be more at ease about choosing to use me for any projects I bid on.

Yet more money for the Disney trip!! THANK YOU GOD!!!

updated to add: I got another email from him saying that he found an additional 500 contacts that he needs input into the database. He said I didn’t have to finish by Sunday and that my per hour price was fine with him. I’m thinking I’ll end up taking more like 15 hours to finish this job now that it’s 1100 contacts, which is a nice chunk of cash for our Disney fund!!

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