I have fourteen entries in the Celebrity Dead Pool. That’s pretty good, but I know we can do better! I know there are more of you out there who want to participate. You have until Friday to make your pick. The only rules: it has to be someone famous, they cannot have been in a newstory in recent weeks about failing health, and they must still be alive *pointed look at Jen*. If you pick dies before the deadline, you don’t win.
THE PRIZE FOR THIS ROUND: A $10 Target Gift Card.
All entries for the first round are due by this FRIDAY, January 11. So comment away and let me know your picks!
Picks thus far:
Jaynee – Carol Channing
Meghan – Britney Spears
Kate – Mickey Rooney
Miss Jen – Ernest Borgnine
NJSue – Estelle Getty
Cristan – Elizabeth Taylor
Julie – Andy Griffith
JenSpeaks – Larry King
Rob/Tara – Artie Lang
Bev – Jimmy Carter
Ace – Leslie Nielsen
Sharon – Ed McMahon
Denis – Meschach Taylor
Uncle Bill – Richard Widmark
New Entries:
Mimi – Amy Winehouse
Colleen – Willie Nelson
Princess Jami – Michael Jackson
Meschach Taylor? So random, so hilarious!
I may not win the pool, but at least they’ll die laughing.
I cracked up at Denis’ pick. Awesome.
amy winehouse
You’ve been added to the pool, Mimi! Thanks!
Willie Nelson
You’ve been added to the dead pool, Colleen! Thanks for entering…
I keep thinking of dead people, too. Darn it. Let’s see…the Britney guess and the Amy Winehouse ones are fabulous. Hm. I’m gonna guess Michael Jackson.
PrincessJami’s last blog post..Quiz Time! Brainiac?
Whoa! Your blog found my last blog post! Cool.
Princess Jami – you’re in!
Oh my– I really did believe that Andy Griffith was gone…
I believe it is spelled: Meshach Taylor