So I’ve spent a good amount of time surfing and rating a lot of blogs listed at BlogExplosion, and yet my blogs have only gotten one or two total ratings. I’m curious to know – for those of you that use BlogExplosion, do you follow the “rate blogs” function to let those bloggers know how you like their site? I know I’d love for people to rate mine so that I can tweak and try to make it better for those surfing through that have never been here before.
Rate or Surf? Which do you do the most?
Update on 10/29: Looks like the folks at BE realized that was a problem, so now when you are surfing if you click on “Rate this Blog” you’ll be taken to a second screen that allows you to vote on the blog you are looking at. then you can close that window and continue surfing. YAY! Hopefully this will encourage more people to rate blogs and help the owners make their sites better!
I am afraid I don’t rate.
I think I would rate more if I could do it from surfing.
i agree with busymom. i’d rate every single blog that i came across if i didn’t have to do it seperately from surfing.

i followed your link back from my page. (i hope that doesn’t make me a scary internet stalker…nah!) you know, i have never rated someone’s blog that i run into through blogexplosion. but, now that you mention it…i really should.
so, i’ll just have to start with yours i suppose!
oh, and you’ll soon be getting an e-mail from me about the “i have to go get famous” picture.
until then,
I have only started rating blogs, and if I like a blog even a little I give it a ten. It is my little way of countering the people who enjoy giving low scores.
This is my first time here, and you have a wonderful blog. So, giving you a ten was easy.