Flights Booked

I used the mileage I’ve been saving on my credit card and booked two tickets to Charlotte from January 13-15. My mom agreed to come stay with the kids, and Denis and I will fly down Friday night and check out the land we’re buying. We’ll stay through Sunday afternoon and fly back. I checked online and the tickets if we had bought them outright would have been $400+ for each ticket, so I’m happy that I used the mileage. Also, I booked a car through Orbitz and the total for the weekend will only be $40 and gas. Nice…

Now I just need to find a cheap hotel while we’re down there – I’ve certainly found cheap prices ($50 per night) but they charge you if you cancel the reservation, so I’m going to hold off making reservations until I know for sure where we want to stay. There are no hotels directly in Fort Mill, so I’m looking at either downtown Charlotte or Rock Hill.

03 comments on “Flights Booked

  • denis , Direct link to comment

    What about staying with Charles or Marty while we are down there?

  • Christy , Direct link to comment

    Jaynee, there are several hotels on Carowinds Blvd, that are consider Fort Mill, they are only 2 exits from where you would get off to go look at your land. The Motel 6 is nice, my in-laws stay there when they are in town, there is also a Best Western there too. Let me know if I can help you with directions to and from the airport.

  • Melissa , Direct link to comment

    I used to live in Charlotte and was going to recomment the ones across from Carowinds too. That is the closest you will get to Fort Mill.

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