Okay, first of all SOMEONE HAS TO TIVO SOPRANOS SERIES FINALE TONIGHT. If you have HBO, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TIVO THE SERIES FINALE FOR ME TONIGHT. I haven’t watched the show in over three seasons, however, my neighbor’s family business is featured in the series finale AND she’s in the scenes that are rumored to be the final scenes of the whole show!!! So I beg you, if you read this post, PLEASE DVR Sopranos for me and we’ll work out how to get me a copy sometime this week.

Having said that, today was a good day – church went well for the most part. Afterwards I went to the Target by my church only to find they didn’t have the tables that I wanted. So I left and headed to the Target north of my house. They did have three of the tables, so I bought all three as well as some other stuff. I still haven’t tested putting up my booth yet- maybe I’ll go outside and do that tonight before it gets dark.

After fussing around this afternoon I finally took CootieBoy to the pool at 3 p.m. He and I hung out for about an hour and a half and then Denis showed up and dropped off CootieGirl, taking CootieBoy home with him. It worked out well and both kids had a blast. I have very pruny fingers at this point, and a little bit of a tan on my shoulders. And for me that’s saying a lot since I’m the original Pasty White Girl. I was in the pool for literally 2 1/2 hours with two breaks – the 10 minute adult swim keeping CootieBoy company and taking CootieGirl on a potty break. Other than that, I was in the water the whole time. I’m DESPERATE for my new swimsuit to come in. Seriously – my current suit is just ridiculously saggy whenever I get out of the pool, and not just because I’m fat. It just has NO elasticity left in that thing.

Denis got a new propane tank for our grill so tonight is our first grill night since moving to SC last summer. We’re having LAMB for dinner (uh, YUM).

And that’s it. After dinner we’ll put the kids to bed and then chill out for a few hours. Tomorrow is work, and then Marmie arrives back here for the night. She and CootieGirl will leave Tuesday morning for Northern Virginia. It has been a GREAT weekend.


  • Kate , Direct link to comment

    I tivo’d it…I’m just not sure how I’d get it to you….unless
    you wanna come to Illinois and watch it with me:)…I haven’t seen it yet.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Kate, I actually got a friend of mine to Tivo it and now he’s just going to set up his VCR to his Tivo box and record it onto a tape for me. But thanks!

    And hey, I’d love to come to Illinois! *lol*

  • Uncle Bill , Direct link to comment

    The local TV-movie critic called at the worst ending for a TV series since Seinfeld.

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