Well, it was a late night, but a fun one. I arrived at the camping site around 6:10 p.m. (traffic going west was a nightmare considering I left at 4:40 p.m.). We set up the band/sound equipment and spent a good hour or so practicing songs. At 8:30 p.m. we started the first music session. About 50 people were there for the first night and they were rarin’ to go. Considering how loud the band was, the crowd’s voices rose significantly louder – it was awesome.
The session contained music, prayer, sharing – just a really nice informal setting. Obi played acoustic guitar through most of the night and for our last two rockin’ songs he played his electric. It was awesome and the folks loved it.
We finished late, about 10:00 p.m., and Woody and I caravanned back to Rte 80. It took forever to find Rte 80 because there was a detour leaving the campsite and it did NOT dump us out on the road that we arrived on when we drove TO the campsite. I stopped at a gas station and asked some pesky kids who had no clue what they were talking about. I followed their directions for a few miles and when we came up to a stoplight I asked the car next to me who pointed me the right way. But even THAT was a long distance so we stopped one more time at a McDonald’s and he said we needed to keep going another 4-5 miles. Sheesh. Fortunately 80 was empty and I walked in the door at just after 11 p.m.
So this morning we’ll put the kids in the car and leave around 8:15 a.m. to head back up there. The band practice starts around 10 a.m. and the session starts at 11 a.m. Then there is lunch followed by an afternoon of free time. I plan on packing up the kids’ bathing suits so we can take a dip in the pool, then I’ll head back with the kids around 3 p.m.