FINALLY A Productive Today!

Finally I had a great day today – a day where I felt like I actually got stuff DONE. I got out ONE of the estate binders, some litigation documents, a couple bills, and a few emails. I made a couple appointments and ordered some publications for our library. All in all, I cleared a FEW things from my desk and it feels GREAT. Provided some “help desk” support to an attorney who didn’t know how to generate a table of contents and a paralegal who didn’t know how to work the typewriter.

Had a quiet late lunch – around 1:30 p.m. I headed up to the break room and it was EMPTY. That was awesome because I got to read my book without getting interrupted for the entire hour save one guy who came up to hit the vending machine for some chips.

Tomorrow Mr. BIL only has TWO meetings on his calendar, so I’m hoping I can get a lot more done tomorrow.

Also, my friend brought over the last of the contacts for that freelance job I’m doing at home. Tonight I’ll clock myself for 30 minutes and see how many contacts I get done in that time so I can give him an idea of how many man-hours it’ll take for me to do the job. He has some concerns that I want to add too much info into the database, but I tried to impress upon him the importance of creating this database for future mailings. If I’m gonna type in 1100 names, I would prefer to type in ALL of the info to be used in future mailings, not just this one. He said he doesn’t need the job title of the contacts, but I told him he may change his mind if he decides to do a mailing ONLY to Presidents/Owners in the fall. Then he’ll have a massive database that is essentially useless because he can’t sort those people out for a mailing. And seriously – it takes me ONE SECOND to type the word “President” – how much time can it really add to the job I’m doing for him?

Anyway, so I’ll be working on that tonight while I’m WATCHING SURVIVOR!!! WOO HOOOO!!! Seriously, the pool I participate in (and that you should participate in too)? MAKES that show fun again.

One comment on “FINALLY A Productive Today!

  • cristan , Direct link to comment

    Ah! The break-room lunch: “Whatcha readin’? What’s it about? Is it good?” Or, when I worked at a real estate firm with 105 realtors “Can you PLEASE just help me just this once? It’ll only take a minute!”

    I ate lunch in my car A LOT back then!

    cristan’s last blog post..So…on a lighter note…

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