Feeling Better…and Yet

Well, I’m feeling better and have for the past few hours. This morning I still had a slight temperature and felt a bit off, so I stayed home per my boss’ instructions yesterday. Around the time of my last post I managed to eat most of a bowl of cereal and felt a lot better. So Denis and I hopped in the car and drove over to the FSBO (the brick house) to see if we could peek into the backyard again to see just how small it is.

The owner was out front talking to a neighbor and invited us to the backyard, which we determined to be an okay size – not huge, but not bad at all. Plenty of room for Cooper to run around as well as the kids. Then the owner told us that they had received an offer, countered and had the counter verbally accepted by the buyer. I was really sad to hear that, given the excitement that Denis and I felt the more we thought about that house. However she said that she’d certainly look at another offer since the counter was only verbally-accepted and contains a 48-hr kickout clause.

We rushed home and finished filling out the offer document that we had already partially filled in. Denis left a little while ago to take it over to the owner for their review. It’s a GOOD offer – we know it’s better than the other offer. So all we can do now is wait, pray and see what happens.

03 comments on “Feeling Better…and Yet

  • Lila , Direct link to comment

    Glad to hear that you are starting to feel better. Stinks being sick, especially when starting a new job and making the big move from NoNJ to SC.

    Good luck with the offer on the house. It looks like a great house. Is it in a good school district for the kids?

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Lila, the whole town is known for having great schools, so no matter where we live we’d be fine. But it IS in a subdivision that is one of the more sought-after subdivisions in the town.

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    Glad you’re on the mend – I know that’s no fun.

    Keep us posted on the house – I’m praying!

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