Facebook Fast Ends Tomorrow…Now the Debate: Do I Go Back?

As you may or may not recall, I am enjoying a Facebook fast right now. Since late June I’ve been avoiding Facebook as much as possible, only going on to occasionally check on event updates or to respond to Facebook Messenger posts (although for the most part I’ve been responding on my phone although I hate typing long messages on my phone).

I have to say that I have barely missed Facebook at all during the last ~2 months. I certainly have not missed the constant negativity that I find there, or the political rants, or the way we criticize those who have opposing viewpoints as being dumb, deluded or disgraceful. I mean really, can’t we all get along? We’re all human, all shuffling along on this mortal coil, trying to do our best (for the most part). Why tear other people down? It drives me crazy.

As such, the debate begins: do I go back to Facebook or just leave it altogether? Do I “do” Facebook differently than I have in the past?

I have a couple friends on there who only read other people’s posts and NEVER comment. And I mean never. I could never do that – I like commenting on things I find funny or cute. I have one friend that once commented on one of my posts and I was SHOCKED (and said as much in my reply) because she is one that never comments. So maybe I’ll switch it around – I’ll post my stuff, but never look at anyone else’s. But that’s kind of rude and egotistical, right? Possibly. Probably.

The problem is I don’t think I can leave Facebook entirely because I’m involved in groups that use it to communicate. My book club, my women’s group from church, my neighborhood, just to name a few. If I leave Facebook, I miss out on updates and am harder to contact/update on events and news.

Maybe I’ll commit to surfing the feed only twice a day – once in the morning before work, and once at night before I go to bed. That way I can keep up with my groups, but not feel inundated by the negativity that has invaded my feed wall. We’ll see.

Are you still on Facebook or have you given it up? Comment and let me know your thoughts!