For those of you looking for an update on my eye. Here is a picture of both of them. Guess which is the bad one?
The eye is completely bloodshot and hurts when I close the lid.
I’m waiting till 9 a.m. so I can set up an appointment with an opthomologist. The eye doctor from yesterday called, actually his secretary called, and wanted me to come in this morning. I said I’m going to see if I can call another doctor who takes my insurance with no hassle. At least that is what Jaynee believes. As soon as I get done with the doctor I’ll let everyone know what’s going on.
Guh. Why don’t you put up a picture of a boil while you’re at it? :puke:
Denis — I can feel your pain! Just looking at your eye makes my eye tear! You are in my prayers:
Thank you, Lil. A can add that Jaynee was more supportive of me over the weekend than this last comment of hers.
I don’t think this was that gross. I know people wanted to know how my eye was and what better way to do that than to show them. A picture is worth a thousand words.
But the picture is HUGE and was not what I was expecting upon coming to the page.
I can make it bigger. LOL Maybe that should be our new masthead. And we’re getting CootieBoy some scratchmittens. Glad he doesn’t claw at his own eyes.
When my dd was a baby, I was feeding her her bottle and she reached up with her razor sharp fingernailed finger, put it in my nose and twisted! Owwww! Blood.
Delurking to ask, “How’s the eye?”