Eventful Afternoon

Today we learned that CootieGirl cannot be trusted to play alone. The reasons are multiple but I’ll highlight the top three:

  • She had another potty “accident” and tried to hide the evidence. And didn’t hide it well.
  • She cut her own hair. Again.
  • She is incapable of taking care of her toys properly.

Photos of the second two (I’ll spare you pictures of the first – which I didn’t take (what kind of a parent do you think I am?)):

Ridiculous, don’t you agree? The miracle is that I was able to maintain my calm while explaining to her that much like the last time, she is NEVER EVER supposed to get scissors on her own to play. Scissors are not for playing with, period. So tomorrow I’ll take her to a salon and get it fixed up. It’s gonna be SHORT this time – her own fault.

The barbie thing ticks me off. She cut her barbies’ hair today too. Wanna see what she did with it?

Yeah. Apparently she was serving hair tea or something. Would you like a cup? She made four total…

07 comments on “Eventful Afternoon

  • kbf , Direct link to comment

    Ugh, I’m sorry. At least she’s beautiful and short hair will be very cute on her. And look how organized she is with the doll hair colors! :/

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    ROTFL. I know it’s frustrating for you. For me? Hilarious.

    Except for item #1, of course.

    Can’t wait to see the after pictures of her new short ‘do.

  • Ace , Direct link to comment

    No sugar coating here… I think she is lashing out and there are deeper issues.

    Just my opinion.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Ace – I don’t believe she has deeper issues. I think she’s ALWAYS had problems being truly potty-trained and she has NEVER treated her toys kindly. As for the hair, she likes playing hairdresser – apparently she was quite proud of her haircut when she came downstairs on Friday.

  • Ace , Direct link to comment

    This is the reason I don’t have kids. If she was proud of her hair cut, then I would have let her keep it the way she cut it, at least gone to school with it, so she could then see what she got herself into.

    You don’t think maybe she is looking for some sort of attention? Maybe she thinks you pay more attention to her when she does something wrong. Her distroying her toys, her cutting her hair and her “on-purposes”.

    I commend you, cause I know I would have pulled my hair out by now.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    There was no way I was going to let her go to church or school with that haircut. *lol*

    She gets plenty of attention from us – we’re very diligent about making sure the kids get time with us as a family unit and one-on-one. So I don’t she’s doing it for attention.

    As for destroying her toys, she’s 5, CG is almost 4. Toys get destroyed. And her coloring on her Barbie was her way of putting makeup on the Barbie. Only using a pen. Same goes with her haircutting. A LOT of kids cut their hair when they are kids (see this funny article: http://blog.nj.com/parentalguidance/2008/06/when_your_kid_cuts_his_own_hai.html). In fact, both ladies who were working in the salon when I took her in on Saturday to get it fixed said that when THEY were that age they cut their sisters’ hair too (it makes me thankful that CB has super-short hair so CG can’t practice on him).

    I think her “on purposes” are a control issue. It only started when she moved into the new classroom at daycare where she’s one of the younger ones in a room with kids up to age 10. I’m hoping that once she’s truly comfortable in that class it will stop. As a side note: she hasn’t had an “on purpose” accident in a few days now (*knock on wood*).

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