Entertainment Centers

Here is the entertainment center we’re getting. We’re getting just the console for now, and then once we’re all moved in and can make a determination on whether any of our furniture was damaged enough to require replacing, we’ll order the rest. And I think Denis is ordering his tv tomorrow. It’s all coming together!

07 comments on “Entertainment Centers

  • MB , Direct link to comment

    TEll me more about the TV … Plasma? I[‘m interested to know. Really like the ent., center!

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    No, Denis’ tv isn’t plasma – it’s a DLP. He spent weeks researching tvs until he found the one he wanted. It’s made by Sony, is either 55″ or 60″ and is on sale this week in all the circulars down here (bonus!)

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    My two cents ~ don’t go with the 60″, it’s just too big, even with the size of your room. Trust me, Dad never let me live it down that I chose the 60″ over the 54″.

  • Beth , Direct link to comment

    We have a 60″ DLP. I wanted 48″ since we replaced a 27″; 60 seemed too drastic. I was wrong – 60″ has turned out to be perfect and our room is not that big.

    Pay attention to cable card (cable ready vs something else) as well as HDMI vs DVI. I can’t remember all the terminology; our TV is 2 years old or so.

    With TiVo (which we also have) it totally stinks to have a cable box if you can avoid it. Tuning in HD channels requires the cable card (or something). There are a lot of different kinds of DLP HDTVs out there.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Mom, I believe he’s leaning towards the 55″ at this point because the price is a lot more reasonable.

    Beth, Denis did all the research for the tv and considered everything (cable, tivo, hd, pixels, etc.) when it came to his final selection.

  • Beth , Direct link to comment

    The inches are a lot different with the widescreen aspect ratio. A 60″ old-school TV would look a lot bigger than a wide nouveau TV.

    Have fun with it. We’re very happy with ours.

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