Early Day Today

I came into work early today. I was so swamped yesterday and barely put a dent in my work, so I asked Mr. BIL if I could come in an hour earlier than normal to get some stuff done before he came in. It paid off, and when he got in this morning I pounced on him to go over the documents that I had prepared for him to review. We just got done with that and I feel gratified that this MAJOR task is DONE DONE DONE – all that’s left is to get the bill prepared and type up a letter to the client telling him what to do with these documents.

From here on out it’ll be smooth sailing today until Mr. BIL leaves at 3:45 p.m. for an off-site meeting. I’ll be able to crank out these remaining tasks without this big one hanging over my head.

It was tough getting up early this morning though. Especially since CootieBoy opted to join us at some point during the night and promptly kept pushing me all over the bed to make himself comfortable. I finally got up at 6:15 a.m. and went to take my shower while “the boys” continued sleeping.