For those wondering, last night we got an entire night’s sleep thanks be to CootieBoy. He slept from 9 p.m. until after 7 a.m. and the only interruption came from CootieGirl who woke up in the middle of the night, came to her door and rattled the doorknob, calling out “Mama!” But Denis went in, got her back into bed and she settled down immediately and went back to sleep.
Tonight I have band practice, need to finish laundry, and color my hair. Good thing I slept well last night. *lol*
So glad to hear this! 🙂
Yes, CootieGirl came to the door. I picked her up in my arms when she asked for Mama. Brought her into our room to show her Mama was sleeping and brought her back to bed. I think she went right back to sleep. If it could only be that easy every time. Usually she’s back at the door rattling again and again.
That boy deserves a big fat lollipop!