Last night I took CootieGirl out on the roads for some real driving. She hadn’t been in the driver’s seat of a car since May when she first got her learner’s permit and it was time. We ran a couple errands first (haircut for her, gym for both of us) and then once we left the gym I had her get in the driver’s seat and start the car. The engine revved like she was in NASCAR.
“What are you doing?” I asked. “You don’t need to rev the engine to start it.” I reached over and flipped the key to turn off the engine.
With a sigh she reached forward and turned the key, and again the engine revved like she was channeling Dale Earnhardt, Jr.
“CG, why are you pressing down on the gas when you start the car?” I screeched (I’ll admit it – yes, I screeched).
“I’m not!” she retorted. “I’m pressing the brake!”
“Uh, no you are NOT! The brake is on the LEFT!”
“It’s on the right!” she cried.
“No, it’s on the left.”
And thus began the lesson. Oy vey.
Her first time on real roads she actually did a decent job. She does struggle with maintaining speed (she either surged or lagged – she was rarely on target with her speed), and she still tries to keep HERSELF in the middle of the lane instead of the car (thus bringing her close enough to the side of the road that I frequently would bark out a loud panicked “Ditch!” to correct her). She also still has issues with figuring out the proper amount of brake needed to bring the car to a stop in the place it needs to stop (stop sign, stop light, behind another car). But I know that will all come with time and as she continues to drive and become more comfortable with it.

I replied, “I only yell when you don’t respond when I say ‘ditch’ or ‘brake’ or ‘go’.”
Which is totally true.
It’s surprising that I’m the one driving around with her given the fact that I’m a complete backseat driver when I’m in the passenger seat. Although, maybe that’s the very reason I’m the one going around with her! I’m the one constantly white-knuckling the “oh crap” handle no matter who the driver is. And don’t get me started on NY cabbies – it got to a point where I’d just close my eyes and pray we got to our destination safely because I didn’t want to see the 100s of potential wrecks we’d narrow avoid.
We’ll go out again tonight and drive around town, and then we’ll pick up CootieBoy from TKD and let him have the experience of driving with his sister. That’ll go over swimmingly, I’m sure.