If there’s one piece of furniture I love, it’s the dresser. I’d be the Queen of Dresserland if there was such a thing. We have two in the master bedroom, two in the guest bedroom, two in the guest bedroom closet, one in the kids’ room and one in the attic office. But in two weeks we’ll have a bigger one in the kids’ room because last night I won one off of eBay.
Right now the smallish dresser in the kids’ room serves two functions – the top drawer contains medicine, fish tank stuff and underwear/socks for CootieGirl. The other three drawers are crammed full of CootieGirl’s clothes that she wears regularly. CootieBoy’s clothes are in multiple stacks on a folding tray in our room. The stacks are now over two feet high. It’s time he get a dresser of his own, or I at least get a bigger one to hold clothes for both of them.
The one I won last night is definitely bigger – it’s a foot taller, 6 inches deeper and about 6 inches wider. My hope is that I can condense all of the kids’ clothes into this new dresser and move the current small dresser into the master bedroom closet (which has a TON of wasted space in the lower portion because Denis hands his long pants in the other master closet).
It’s in the local area, and I already got permission to pick it up in two weeks. I’m happy because I got a good price on it – I only bid on it after looking online at various prices for CHEAP dressers and found that a cheaply made dresser (particle board or MDF) was twice the cost of the all-wood “antique” dresser that was up on eBay for under $100. So I’m thrilled.
And yes, all eight of the current dressers in my house are used. And not just used, but stuffed to the gills.
Oh, Jaynee, that is a lovely dresser!!
Oh that’s not the dresser I bought on eBay. Mine is much less nice. :tongue:
I knew you were the Queen of something. Where exactly is Dresserland? Is that a park in Kissimmee?