Drama Abounds!

I got yelled at work today. Not by my boss. Not by a client. But by a client’s client. Yep. I won’t go into too many details, but suffice to say that I didn’t appreciate being hung up on (yes, she went there), nor did I appreciate her refusing to let me speak AT ALL on the second phone call when I called her back. She went on one long harangue about how our client is unprofessional. Yadda yadda yadda, she eventually calmed down and all is well.

Mr. BIL was a bit upset that this woman yelled at me, but I told him I didn’t mind since it wasn’t ME she was mad at. People can yell at me all they want as long as they aren’t MAD at me.

In other news, my girls and I have volunteered to be on the Christmas party committee here at the Firm. It was an all-or-none proposition. L-Train emailed the head of HR and said, “Take one of us, you have to take all of us.” So we’ll see if I get roped into that or not. It would be a WILD PARTY if the four of us are on the committee.