Don’t Let Them Kid You – Taekwondo is a Workout

As I mentioned in a previous post, I signed up to take two months of free Taekwondo classes at my son’s TKD school. Last night was my first private lesson. When I walked in I found the mom that inspired me with her story and she was very happy to see me in my TKD uniform. “You signed up!” she said excitedly. “I did,” I said. “It’s all your fault, too.” She laughed and congratulated me on signing up. There were a couple other moms there (not taking lessons – just hanging out during their kids’ lessons) who also gave me a thumbs up when they saw me. I’m not alone! *lol*

However, I was mortified that my class was with Master JK, the master that my son adores. But he pulled out his charm (he oozes that innocent, earnest, open and honest charm – it’s a gift, truly) and made me feel completely at ease. And even though I know he was feeding me a line about how great I was doing during the lesson, and how I was a natural at TKD, by the end of the first lesson I truly believed every word he said. Man, that man is good at what he does. We did some very basic stretching, punching and kicking, plus some balance work. And even though it was very, VERY basic – it was also a lot of fun. I think I’m going to enjoy my two months of classes.

“Miss Jaynee,” he said with his engaging smile. “I am so pleased that I get to teach Mister CootieBoy’s mom during my last week here. This is going to be fun. I am looking forward to this.”

At the end of my 30 minutes he praised the work I did (as I stood there sweating like a beast (there was no glistening)), and said he was looking forward to hearing from the other instructors about my progress over the next two months.

We then spent a few minutes talking about his move to Texas this weekend, and he spoke very highly of CootieBoy. He said (more charm here), “CootieBoy is one of the most focused students we’ve had in a long time. I can tell he really loves TKD. I hope that when he is 14 he will still be here at this school and working as a part-time junior leader. And I will look forward to coming back to see him test for black belt in three years.”

And you know what? I truly think he will. Because one can’t help but believe EVERY.WORD.THAT.MAN.SAYS.