So today I’m backup for the receptionist because she’s out. Another admin is covering the bulk of the day but I’m filling in on breaks, lunch and again from 4-5 p.m. Usually I have a book to read while I’m up there, but I forgot to put another one in my purse this morning. So all I have is about 30 pages of a Danielle Steel book, which will take me through half of the lunch hour. What does that mean?
The 4-5 p.m. hour is gonna be SUPER boring up there. Maybe I’ll find a couple chapters of a book online that I can print out and take with me…
Update at 11:42 a.m.: I opted to download “Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka. I now have plenty to read when covering the front desk.
No computer to blog on while up there?
There IS a computer, but it’s completely visible by everyone who comes into the area, so I never use it.
Ah. :lurking::scared:
EXCELLENT choice of reads for super slow boring time passage.