See all those blogs in my blogroll on the right? I don’t comment at over half of them. That’s AWFUL, and I intend to change that today. My goal for today and tonight is to visit EVERY BLOG in that blogroll and leave a comment. Why am I doing that?
Yes, it’s the day every year where lurkers come out of the woodwork to tell bloggers they are actually being read by people other than family!!
If you are visiting Cootiehog and haven’t ever commented before (or rarely comment), drop some love and let me know you are here!!
I’m Here, LOL!
no surprises, but i’m here!
Amy@P2P’s last blog post..hi, i’m amy and i hate making up titles
I have been reading for a few years now and really enjoy your blog.
Thanks for participating, Sharon!
thanks for being a longtime reader, Megan!!
Nevis is here with a squirming pug named Napoleon in her lap.
Nevis’s last blog post..Darkly Dreaming Dexter
You know I’m here, but I don’t post much!
How is it possibly delurking day again? Didn’t we just do this?
I’m here – lurking in the reader.
beth’s last blog post..Fantasy Rock Band
Poley is very cute, Nevis! Thanks for commenting!
I’m here. Love keeping up with what is going on with the Cooties!
Thanks for adding your names, Beth, Bev and Lila!
I had no idea it was Delurking Day! I am notoriously bad at commenting on my daily reads. I’d like to blame feedreaders, but it’s really just me.
diz’s last blog post..Delurking Day?
I’m with diz! I had no idea! Thanks for Cootiefying my world for the past several years!
hey hey hey!! i’ve been awful about commenting on others’ blogs as well…
All day yesterday I didnt think you posted anything because every time I came to your page I saw this post at the top. Tsk Tsk Tsk, you should have marked it as a sticky post. Now I have a ton of catching up to do.
I didn’t realize attendence would be taken.