Decent Doctor Appointment

I fully expected a lecture today at my medical weight loss study doctor appointment. After all, I only lost 3.5 pounds since the last appointment. But my tech was very nice about it and only mildly lectured me about remembering to take the medication (which I did NOT do well this month). She was okay with the level of weight loss – her issue was more about the medication itself, which is understandable.

I also got another $20 in AmEx gift checks, at which point I asked when I could expect the $200 payment I was due. I told her I thought I’d get it last month since it was month three. She looked up my agreement and it turns out I get paid the $200 in weeks 24, 44 and 56. I’m starting Week 20 today. So at the next appointment I’ll get the $200. So I have that to look forward to! And I now have $80 in AmEx gift checks to use (because I never used the other ones at Disney like I planned on doing).

In addition to the AmEx checks I got a fancy pedometer from the drug company. It has a radio on it. Very cool. I’ll still use my other one that hooks up to the computer and keeps a database of stats, but at least I know I have a backup pedometer should I lose the one I use now. I’m wearing both right now and they are both pretty much tracking together, which lets me know I definitely have them set right.

And at home this morning my scale was good – showing another 1/2 pound down. Obviously my 1+ hour workout last night helped burn off some of the empty alcohol calories. Heh.